Constellation List

Below is a list of the 88 constellations that make up the night sky.

The format is Latin name first with an English translation in brackets followed by the lead or alpha star which is usually (but not always!) the brightest star in the constellation.

  1. Andromeda (The Chained Maiden) /Alpheratz
  2. Antlia (The Airpump) / α Ant
  3. Apus (The Bird of Paradise) /α Aps
  4. Aquarius (The Water Carrier) /Sadalmelik
  5. Aquila (The Eagle) / Altair
  6. Ara (The Altar) / Choo
  7. Aries (The Ram) /Hamal
  8. Auriga (The Charioteer) / Capella
  9. Boötes (The Herdsman) / Arcturus
  10. Caelum (The Chisel) / α Cae
  11. Camelopardalis (The Giraffe) / α Cam
  12. Cancer (The Crab) /Acubens
  13. Canes Venatici (The Hunting Dogs) / Cor Caroli
  14. Canis Major (The Great Dog) / Sirius
  15. Canis Minor (The Little Dog) / Procyon
  16. Capricornus (The Sea Goat) / Deneb Algedi
  17. Carina (The Keel) / Canopus
  18. Cassiopeia (The Queen of Aetheopia) /Schedar
  19. Centaurus (The Centaur) / Alpha Centauri
  20. Cepheus (The King of Aetheopia) / Alderamin
  21. Cetus (The Whale or The Sea Monster) / Menkar
  22. Chamaeleon (The Chamaeleon) / α Cha
  23. Circinus (The Pair of Compasses) / α Cir
  24. Columba (The Dove) / Phakt
  25. Coma Berenices (Berenice's Hair) / α Com
  26. Corona Australis (The Southern Crown) / α CrA
  27. Corona Borealis (The Northern Crown) / Alphecca
  28. Corvus (The Crow) / Al Chiba
  29. Crater (The Cup) / Alkes
  30. Crux (The Southern Cross) / α Cru
  31. Cygnus (The Swan) / Deneb
  32. Delphinus (The Dolphin) / α Del
  33. Dorado (The Swordfish) / α Dor
  34. Draco (The Dragon) / Thuban
  35. Equuleus (The Foal) / Kitalpha
  36. Eridanus (The River) / Achernar
  37. Fornax (The Chemist's Furnace) / α For
  38. Gemini (The Twins) / Castor
  39. Grus (The Crane) / Alnair
  40. Hercules (Hercules) / Algethi
  41. Horologium (The Pendulum Clock) / α Hor
  42. Hydra (The Water Serpent) / Alphard
  43. Hydrus (The Water Snake) /α Hyi
  44. Indus (The Indian) / α Ind
  45. Lacerta (The Lizard) / α Lac
  46. Leo (The Lion) / Regulus
  47. Leo Minor (The Lesser Lion) / Praecipua
  48. Lepus (The Hare) / Arneb
  49. Libra (The Scales) / α Lib
  50. Lupus (The Wolf) / α Lup
  51. Lynx (Lynx) / α Lyn
  52. Lyra (The Lyre) / Vega
  53. Mensa (The Table Mountain) / α Men
  54. Microscopium (The Microscope) / α Mic
  55. Monoceros (The Unicorn) / α Mon
  56. Musca (The Fly) / α Mus
  57. Norma (The Level and Square) / γ2 Nor
  58. Octans (the Octant) / α Oct
  59. Ophiuchus (The Serpent Holder) / Ras Alhague
  60. Orion (The Hunter) / Betelgeuse
  61. Pavo (The Peacock) / α Pav
  62. Pegasus (The Winged Horse) / Markab
  63. Perseus (Perseus) / Mirphak
  64. Phoenix (The Phoenix) / Ankaa
  65. Pictor (The Easel) / α Pic
  66. Pisces (The Fishes) / Al Rischa
  67. Piscis Australis (The Southern Fish) / Formalhaut
  68. Puppis (The Poop Deck) / α Pup
  69. Pyxis (The Compass) / α Pyx
  70. Reticulum (The Net) / α Ret
  71. Sagitta (The Arrow) / Sham
  72. Sagittarius (The Archer) / Rukbat
  73. Scorpius (The Scorpion) / Antares
  74. Sculptor (The Sculptor) / α Scl
  75. Scutum (The Shield) / α Sct
  76. Serpens (The Serpent) / Unukalahai
  77. Sextans (The Sextant) / α Sex
  78. Taurus (The Bull) / Aldebaran
  79. Telescopium (The Telescope) / α Tel
  80. Triangulum (The Triangle) / Caput Trianguli
  81. Triangulum Australis (The Southern Triangle) / α TrA
  82. Tucana (The Toucan) / α Tuc
  83. Ursa Major (The Great Bear) / Dubhe
  84. Ursa Minor (The Lesser Bear) / Polaris
  85. Vela (The Sail) / α Vel
  86. Virgo (The Virgin) /Spica
  87. Volans (The Flying Fish) / α Vol
  88. Vulpecula (The Fox) / Anser
