The format is Latin name first with an English translation in brackets followed by the lead or alpha star which is usually (but not always!) the brightest star in the constellation.
- Andromeda (The Chained Maiden) /Alpheratz
- Antlia (The Airpump) / α Ant
- Apus (The Bird of Paradise) /α Aps
- Aquarius (The Water Carrier) /Sadalmelik
- Aquila (The Eagle) / Altair
- Ara (The Altar) / Choo
- Aries (The Ram) /Hamal
- Auriga (The Charioteer) / Capella
- Boötes (The Herdsman) / Arcturus
- Caelum (The Chisel) / α Cae
- Camelopardalis (The Giraffe) / α Cam
- Cancer (The Crab) /Acubens
- Canes Venatici (The Hunting Dogs) / Cor Caroli
- Canis Major (The Great Dog) / Sirius
- Canis Minor (The Little Dog) / Procyon
- Capricornus (The Sea Goat) / Deneb Algedi
- Carina (The Keel) / Canopus
- Cassiopeia (The Queen of Aetheopia) /Schedar
- Centaurus (The Centaur) / Alpha Centauri
- Cepheus (The King of Aetheopia) / Alderamin
- Cetus (The Whale or The Sea Monster) / Menkar
- Chamaeleon (The Chamaeleon) / α Cha
- Circinus (The Pair of Compasses) / α Cir
- Columba (The Dove) / Phakt
- Coma Berenices (Berenice's Hair) / α Com
- Corona Australis (The Southern Crown) / α CrA
- Corona Borealis (The Northern Crown) / Alphecca
- Corvus (The Crow) / Al Chiba
- Crater (The Cup) / Alkes
- Crux (The Southern Cross) / α Cru
- Cygnus (The Swan) / Deneb
- Delphinus (The Dolphin) / α Del
- Dorado (The Swordfish) / α Dor
- Draco (The Dragon) / Thuban
- Equuleus (The Foal) / Kitalpha
- Eridanus (The River) / Achernar
- Fornax (The Chemist's Furnace) / α For
- Gemini (The Twins) / Castor
- Grus (The Crane) / Alnair
- Hercules (Hercules) / Algethi
- Horologium (The Pendulum Clock) / α Hor
- Hydra (The Water Serpent) / Alphard
- Hydrus (The Water Snake) /α Hyi
- Indus (The Indian) / α Ind
- Lacerta (The Lizard) / α Lac
- Leo (The Lion) / Regulus
- Leo Minor (The Lesser Lion) / Praecipua
- Lepus (The Hare) / Arneb
- Libra (The Scales) / α Lib
- Lupus (The Wolf) / α Lup
- Lynx (Lynx) / α Lyn
- Lyra (The Lyre) / Vega
- Mensa (The Table Mountain) / α Men
- Microscopium (The Microscope) / α Mic
- Monoceros (The Unicorn) / α Mon
- Musca (The Fly) / α Mus
- Norma (The Level and Square) / γ2 Nor
- Octans (the Octant) / α Oct
- Ophiuchus (The Serpent Holder) / Ras Alhague
- Orion (The Hunter) / Betelgeuse
- Pavo (The Peacock) / α Pav
- Pegasus (The Winged Horse) / Markab
- Perseus (Perseus) / Mirphak
- Phoenix (The Phoenix) / Ankaa
- Pictor (The Easel) / α Pic
- Pisces (The Fishes) / Al Rischa
- Piscis Australis (The Southern Fish) / Formalhaut
- Puppis (The Poop Deck) / α Pup
- Pyxis (The Compass) / α Pyx
- Reticulum (The Net) / α Ret
- Sagitta (The Arrow) / Sham
- Sagittarius (The Archer) / Rukbat
- Scorpius (The Scorpion) / Antares
- Sculptor (The Sculptor) / α Scl
- Scutum (The Shield) / α Sct
- Serpens (The Serpent) / Unukalahai
- Sextans (The Sextant) / α Sex
- Taurus (The Bull) / Aldebaran
- Telescopium (The Telescope) / α Tel
- Triangulum (The Triangle) / Caput Trianguli
- Triangulum Australis (The Southern Triangle) / α TrA
- Tucana (The Toucan) / α Tuc
- Ursa Major (The Great Bear) / Dubhe
- Ursa Minor (The Lesser Bear) / Polaris
- Vela (The Sail) / α Vel
- Virgo (The Virgin) /Spica
- Volans (The Flying Fish) / α Vol
- Vulpecula (The Fox) / Anser